"When the power of love overcomes the
loveof power, the world
will know peace"
Jimi Hendrix
My Activities
I'm tired and really having a hard time writing this post because of the intensity of the experience that was and still resonates in me ... but critical to me before tomorrow. Feeling committed. Committed to this family in the southern Hebron Mountains that on the day we came to visit them that morning the police and the army came to demolish this structure for them. Part of their home. I'm in pain.
Living modestly in poverty, in minimalism. Even the buildings they build so modest and small fit into the terrain. Within 4 days of surpassing them They come and break their houses. You will not hear about it in any news! It does not really matter ...
We visited several such families that last Thursday .... I felt privileged and healing to be with them on a day like this to be together to hurt with them to listen and connect with them in any way. It's a lot to be connected.