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Basic Goodness –a Call to Support

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Regarding everything we encounter in our lives, we have three response options: one can do evil, one can do nothing and one can do good. It all depends on our intention and desire.

In an age where we are constantly connected and communicating with everything that is happening, the media influences us exposing us to content, most of which - if we notice it - is negative, immoral and offensive.

In a right, orderly and corrected world - hearing of any moral, value or human injustice was supposed to arouse in us an intention to correct the situation, to improve it, an intention to do good.

In addition, there is a constant overload of lots of stimulations. The majority, as previously, mentioned - negative. You can choose to go out and act against injustice. You can choose to "change channels", drink tea or smoke something, enter your "cocoon" and wait until you can spread your wings and fly away.... The main thing is not to deal with it.

I usually choose to bring lights of Humanity. The ones that remind us that we are all just human beings, and can be improved, regardless of whether we are men or women, adults or children, Jews or Arabs or any other distinguishing label.

I am occasionally criticized for being naive, for not seeing reality, for not getting out of my mind and angry with the criminals who first intentionally do harm to others.

So actually, I am not naive. I see the harsh reality and choose to remind that within it there are those who create light around. This light has no ratings; it does not sell advertisements to businesses while watching the news. For there is no blood, there is no crime; there is no shock and astonishment in the light of this action.

Many share the feelings of pity, compassion, for the victim and disgust of the one who harms the victim. This is natural and to some extent true, but interestingly, the injustices continue and even increase and the victim is more attacked and whoever harms, continues blindly to do evil. In my humble opinion, if the silent majority were not silent and we would gradually condemn the acts of hostility and resistance, we would bring purity into the world, with the ability to transform evil into good.

I have been active for 13 years in order to better understanding of the complexity of the place where I live, out of a moral responsibility to stimulate and encourage change in people's hearts. It has nothing to do here with a political or religious opinion, but with an inner, human identification with the hardships, we humans produce, whether by ignoring or acting: benefiting or harming.

As stated, I choose to show the points of light and try to strengthen those who believe that these injustices can no longer continue.

Another story about a house that was destroyed, hay that burned, an injury to a person - brings both strong condemnation reactions and large financial contributions that are indeed necessary to repair the injury.

A story about business initiation that brings a livelihood and shares it with all the villagers, empowering women, supporting a young man who believes peace can be achieved, a fun activity of crafts and movement with children who are the peace seeds of tomorrow, gets little moral support and very little financial support that you can strengthen and cultivate faith of the ones who want a good and benevolent life.

Therefore, I started this campaign, to support bringing light and healing to the southern Hebron area, to the hearts of men and women, with the intention of creating constant support for those who believe in peace. To my delight, there were some who helped a little and blew some air to my and my partners’ sailing ship of hope.

The majority supported a one-time donation that makes us happy and help a lot, but as I understand it, in order to cultivate and water this belief in peace and a life of caring you need constant support. I thought to myself - if I had 1000 friends who would "invite me for one cup of coffee a month" (about 10 NIS) - that would be enough to keep moving the wheels of peace at this point.

The last war we went through here, felt unnecessary like all its predecessors. It caused a great deal of damage and seeped into the backbone of Israeli society. So now as before but even more, I need help, so that I can encourage- and not just a little - the spirit of the people who believe in equality and peace - to buy straw and fodder to replace what was burned, buy medicine, firewood and also help set up a joint business, allow the study of peace and art for promising young people, to create encounters between neighbors.

I am ready to take on this burden and embark on an endless journey that may just seed the seeds of peace and hope we all long for - but I need the help of the world, and part of that help is the resources that enable space for action and presence in a beneficial way.

I would be happy for your help with a regular or one-time donation, as well as with forwarding this message to other friends.



"Our lives are an endless path with ups and downs, hope and fear,

However, this is a good journey.

Observation and listening allow us to experience

The different textures that are the way itself.

There is no basic complaint about anything and anyone.

Basic goodness: Be honest and true with myself.

Basic goodness: Be honest and true with others, with the world.

Identify the good we have built

Identify the good in the world.

Overcome my inner war

Overcome world wars. "

Chogyam Rinpoche / The Sacred path of the Warrior

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